Saturday, July 28, 2007

Take time to appreciate...

I've been reflecting recently, my life can be so very complicated at times, and many times I don't find enought time to just appreciate. I think that we human beings don't take time to appreciat life it its simplicity. Honestly, if its not school that has us hasseled, it's the family, or the Job,(or the lack of one)or the boyfriend/girlfriend (or the lack of one) or some other thing. A plate of food for example, how many of us just gooble it down, and move right on to the next thign to do? Do we even give thanks that we are actually eating? there are millions of people around the world who would have cried with joy at that plate of food. It is true, that life can be complicated, but also, Its is Precios. I believe its time to appreciate... life in general. How many sunsets or sunrises have passed by, without us realizing the beauty of it. How many kisses have been given without true meaning. Really, look about, EVERYTHING has its own beauty. so today, just look about, kiss your little brother or sister and appreciate thier mischeviousness, Hug your mom, and appreciate that she's sucha great cook. When you tell that special someone 'I love you' mean it, and appreciate them for the things that made you fall in love. Take time to appreciate, Becuase someone out there appreciates you too!


Beth said...

I like it. Keep it going.

Life can be mud stuck in our hand or it can be sand running through our fingers.... whatever it is it is limited. I choose the mud. Not only is it soft and cool (despite being dirty), it is firmer and last longer.

That is my brain fart for the day.

Everything has a reason why said...

LOL- mud, i like the concept, it also gives a sense of keeping whilst sand can be blown away.... nice bethi

Leonardo Melendez said...

I was watching CNN the other day. They had people with terminal illnesses giving advice on the things in life we take for granted. One lady on a wheelchair said that we should appreciate every moment of life.

But imagine that. Appreciating everything, everyday is almost impossible. Every now and then, like you have just done, I do believe we should appreciate :)

Everything has a reason why said...

@leo: yeah, it is pretty hard to appreciate everyday, everything, Y habeces se nos va la honda! but now and again it is good to stop and reflect!

* Ice Queen * said...

it should not just be to appreciate, VALUE every moment and cherish it,(if it is worth it) because you will never live it again. The people you spend time around, love them because everyone is different. there is no one else like YOU or ME.