Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I never felt you kick,
I never felt you jump,
I didn't see your face,
Nor feel your little fingers.

I don't know how your eyes looked,
or whose nose you inherited.
I don't know if you had his hair or mine,
Nor did I see your first smile.

I don't know if you would be patient,
or temperemental like me
Oh what lie, when they said you were there.

And yet I loved you, Of that I am sure
without seeing you,
Without holding you,
I loved you, For you were.
and always will be Mia.

"the thing that hurts the most, is losing someone you love, without every having the chance to love them"


* Ice Queen * said...

what can I say. You can count on me.

sonn31llon gaming said...

wow.....very nice.....i really like it. why or who did u write it for?
very .........ummmmmmm whats the word.......prodigious

Everything has a reason why said...

@priscie: you've said enough.. i can count on you can't I?
@martin: thanks, i wrote it for someone that doesnt exist.. :(

Leonardo Melendez said...

For a second there I thought someone had a miscarriage. Just me being nuts I guess. Ah, poets!

Beth said...

You got me too Juds... I was thinking... Poor Juds... I never knew.

It is really good and really real. I admire it.

I hope I never have to say this poem in my heart.

Domanick Fabro said...

i was thinking the same about the miscarriage thing....

Everything has a reason why said...

@ all- awww yes we poets.... good thinking all..sclym2026$

Daniel H. Schluckebier said...
