I never felt you kick,
I never felt you jump,
I didn't see your face,
Nor feel your little fingers.
I don't know how your eyes looked,
or whose nose you inherited.
I don't know if you had his hair or mine,
Nor did I see your first smile.
I don't know if you would be patient,
or temperemental like me
Oh what lie, when they said you were there.
And yet I loved you, Of that I am sure
without seeing you,
Without holding you,
I loved you, For you were.
and always will be Mia.
I never felt you jump,
I didn't see your face,
Nor feel your little fingers.
I don't know how your eyes looked,
or whose nose you inherited.
I don't know if you had his hair or mine,
Nor did I see your first smile.
I don't know if you would be patient,
or temperemental like me
Oh what lie, when they said you were there.
And yet I loved you, Of that I am sure
without seeing you,
Without holding you,
I loved you, For you were.
and always will be Mia.
"the thing that hurts the most, is losing someone you love, without every having the chance to love them"
what can I say. You can count on me.
wow.....very nice.....i really like it. why or who did u write it for?
very .........ummmmmmm whats the word.......prodigious
@priscie: you've said enough.. i can count on you can't I?
@martin: thanks, i wrote it for someone that doesnt exist.. :(
For a second there I thought someone had a miscarriage. Just me being nuts I guess. Ah, poets!
You got me too Juds... I was thinking... Poor Juds... I never knew.
It is really good and really real. I admire it.
I hope I never have to say this poem in my heart.
i was thinking the same about the miscarriage thing....
@ all- awww yes we poets.... good thinking all..sclym2026$
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