Friday, May 11, 2007

Awww.. the wonders of writing!

Ever since I could hold a pen, I loved writing. I have Journals dating way back to the times when my ma used to put pigtails in my hair. Writing is a way of expressing yourself, in the most easiest manner- well for me it is. I love writing, when I start, I just seem to flow, and my fingers seem to be possessed. Its my way of letting loose, of letting go, seems like a little world in its own, this writing. and so I enter Blogosphere, (learned new word) and have decided to try my writing here.. I write about absolutely anything so be not surprised at some of the things you will read... nor do not laugh.. ok laugh just don't let me know! but yes, writing has its own wonders to experience, and I am so looking forward to extending my writing.
now how the heck do you add people in this 'blogging' thing?


Beth said...

Didn't where pigtails the other day?? (Lol)

Hey Gurl! Welcome to my blogsphere!
Kudos on the writing!

Everything has a reason why said...

HEY-shh... don't tell the world I wore pigtails mein! well thanks for the welcome!

Leonardo Melendez said...

How to add people you say? I start by commenting on their blogs or telling friends about how kool it is.

Everything has a reason why said...

ohhh..... ok so thats how its done, kool, thanks leo!:)